Gigi is an Enneagram Coach and Teacher and a Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner. Through Harmonia, LLC, she offers individual coaching which combines modalities for body and mind. She has worked with and taught the Enneagram for several decades. She finds it an incredibly useful tool for self-discovery and also for understanding how we show up within the context of relationship with other people and with the world in general. She is additionally excited to combine this understanding with the wisdom of Jin Shin Jyutsu. This modality can provide access to our physical, emotional, and energetic selves and offers an opportunity for deep and lasting growth and unfoldment of our best self. She also practices Jin Shin Jyutsu with our pet friends who may need a little support.
Gigi has also published a book combining the benefits of the Enneagram, meditation, and essential oils. You may contact her about the book if you are interested in exploring this as well through this website or by clicking on the image below and leaving her a message on her Facebook page.